Otázka: Canada
Jazyk: Angličtina
Přidal(a): vanessas
Introduction – a state in North America, the 2nd largest, borders (on) theU.S.A. and 3 oceans around
– about 10 million square km
– over 30 million inhabitants
– a former dominion, a part of the Commonwealth, British Queen is officially the head of state
– the real power is in hands of the Prime Minister, Government, Parliament, state institutions
– the capital isOttawa, 10 provinces, 2 territories +NUNAVUT(a part of theNorthern Territory)
Geography – borders (on) theU.S.A. in the south and north-west (not guarded)
– surrounded by 3 oceans (the A.O. in the east, the P.O. … and theNorth Arctic Ocean)
– the country is ragged (Hudson Bay, many islands, e.g. –St. John´s near the east coast)
Climate – mild in the south, mainly continental (hot summers, frosty winters), subarctic, arctic
– the east coast is cooled by The Labrador Stream (a town at the same latitude asPragueis much colder)
Nature – tundra, taiga, forests, prairies, arable land, mountains, national parks, lakes
– plants – trees, esp. spruce, pine
– animals – bears, wolves, deer
– waters – The Great Lakes (LakeSuperiors, Lake Huron, Lake Erie,LakeOntario),Great Bear Lake, …
– mountains – the Rocky Mountains, the Coast Mountains, the highest point isMount Logan(6050 m)
Population – 2/3 (two thirds) speak English, 1/3 French (inQuebec)
– many minorities
– Indians, Inuit (a branch of Eskimos) – inNunavut
– cities: Vancouver(west), Toronto(Brit), Montreal(French)
History – Indians were the first inhabitants, Vikings about 1000 years ago,
– a French and British colony in the last centuries, now an independent state
Industry – a developed industrial country
– food processing, textile, engineering (machinery), shipbuilding, chemical industry, mines, quarries
National symbols: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_symbols_of_Canada#List_of_symbols
Agriculture – wheat, cattle – mainly in the south strip 100 km wide (near the U.S.A.)
Sights – forests, lakes, Niagara Falls, cities, national parks