Otázka: Education system of the CR
Jazyk: Angličtina
Přidal(a): BodovKaculka
In Czech republic is compulsory education, but kindergarten aren’t mandatory. Children are picked to kindergarten, when they are 3 years old. In kindergarten they learn colors, numbers and geometric shapes. Children play games with friends in the kindergarten.
Basic schools
Basic school has two levels. Kids go to first level in 6 years, when they go from kindergarten. Children have one teacher on the first level as opposed to the lower second level, where they have a lot of techers. From the first level kids can go to lower second level or to the secondary grammar school. Children have one techer for one subject in the second stage and higher education levels too. Sometimes they have one techer for 2 or 3 subjects. Basic school is compulsory education unlike other education levels in the CZ. Kids go out from basic school, when they are 15 years old.
Secondary schools
Next education level are secondary schools, which are a lot of kinds. They are secondary grammar school, conservatories, secondary technical schools and secondary vocational schools.
Secondary grammar schools
Secondary grammar schools are for 4, 6 or 8 years learning. When child goes to secondary grammar school in the 11 years, he will learn 8 years. When child goes to secondary grammar school in the 13 years, he will learn 6 years. When child goes to secondary grammar school from basic school in the 15 years, he will learn 4 years. Secondary grammar school is general school. Children go out from secondary grammar school in 19 years, like other secondary schools. Secondary grammar school is finished maturita exam.
But conservatories are for 6 years learn and children go out from conservatories in the 21 years old.
Secondary technical schools and secondary vocational schools
Secondary technical schools and secondary vocational schools have practice and people can from them go to follow up courses, when people are 19 years old. STS and SVS are finished final exam, final exam and apprenticeship certificate or maturita exam. Follow up courses are finished maturita exam.
Higher education and post-secondary technical schools
Next education level are higher education or post-secondary technical schools. Post-secondary schools are for 2; 2,5; 3 and 3,5 years. Higher education has two kind of schools: masters studies and bachelor studies. People are 4 to 6 years in the masters studies and they are 3 to 4 years in the bachelor studies. From bachelor studies people can go to masters studies, which are 2 years long. All higher education are finished final state exam.
Doctoral studies
People can go from masters studies to doctoral studies, which are finished doctoral state exam.