Infectious diseases, visiting a doctor – maturitní otázka


Otázka: Infectious diseases, visiting a doctor

Jazyk: Angličtina

Přidal(a): pavlína




There are different types od diseases for example:

Children´s diseases, Ordinary diseases, Modern diseases, Incurable diseases (nevyléčitelné) are, for example: chicken-pox, measles, scarlet fever, hepatitis, rubella, mumps, whooping cough, diphtheria, polio, tetanus, flu, AIDS, typhoid, small pox

They are mostly caused by viruses or bacteria. The first symptom of many infectious diseases is skin rash. Other symptoms are headache, high temperature, sickness, nauzea, sore throat, cold, swollen nodules and feeling tired.

We should isolate the patient and we should wash our hands very often. We need to eat healthy food, taking medicine regularly, sleep. We most go to the doctor regulary

We can be vaccinated against for example measles, tuberculosis, chicken-pox, mumps, whooping cought, flu, tetanus.

When I was sick last time, I had the flu. I had symptoms for example headache, sore throat, swollen nodules and I felt tired. I was at the doctor and he prescribed me tablets,  measured the temperature, and he said that I should stay home for a week. I came the next week to check and everything was ok.


Visiting a Doctor – Návštěva lékaře

Visiting General Practitioner – U praktického lékaře

We visit the doctor for regular check-ups or when we have something wrong or for vaccination. Children tend to be scared (mají sklon se bát) of the injection, they are sometimes given oral vaccination.

When going to see our doctor we have any symptoms of a disease – elevated or high temperatuje, headache, sickness, cough, cold, sore throat, swollen nodules, or feeling tired or feeling pain in the joins. In this case (v tomhle případě) people go and see their GP – general practitioner.

We often wait in the waiting room. When the patient is called in, the nurses needs to have our personal details (name, adress, insurance company).

The first question in surgery is „What´s wrong with you?“, when comes examination of the body-it´s necessary to strip to the waist. Doctor will listen to how the heart and lung work, measure the blood pressure, find the pulse, tap on the abdomen and examine tonsils.

The doctor will give the diagnossis and prescription for medicine – (tablets, pills, coated pills, capsules, suppositories, liquid medicine) and a certificate is made about the disability to work.. He tells how long to stay in bed and when to come for a check-up.

The doctor may do laboratory examination or sends you to a specialist.



  • Scratches – škrábanec
  • Bruises – modřiny
  • Cuts- řezná rána
  • Stitches – stehy
  • Scar –jizva
  • Sprain ankle – vyvrknutý , dislocate – vykloubené
  • Crutches – berle
  • Races – ortéza
  • Stretcher – nosítka
  • Fillings – plomba
  • Braces – rovnátka
  • Decays-kazy
  • Gums-dáseň
  • Pulling out a tooth- trhání zubu
  • Pain-killing- léky proti bolesti
  • Wisdom teeth-zuby moudrosti
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