Otázka: Money
Jazyk: Angličtina
Přidal(a): lkp
Generous about money
- gives a value to things
- earlier people changed things for thing, which they needed more
- attributes of money
- they are immortally – money will be here, we won’t
- they all have same value – 10,- will be always 10,-
- big value – one paper can have a very big value– 5000,- ;just difference between, what is on it
- there are two types – cash and money on bank account (= direct debit)
- inflation is tool, which says a value of money
Earning money
- job – adults, more educated – more money, our parents
- summer job/part time job – if I want something, and my allowance is low, many kinds, since 15 years you can have a part time job and since 18 you can work with money (shop assitent)
- pocket money/allowance – from our parents, we can spend or budget
Importance of money in our lives
- you need money because nothing is for free
- to buy thing for our basic needs – food, drinks, even water is not for free
- when our basic needs are accomplished – we want to have some things, which make us happy – nice clothes, cars, houses,…
Being rich or poor
- Rich
- sb can say, that be rich is not necessary, but is better cry in BMW than under the bridge
- you can buy what you want
- travel around the world – do what you want
- Poor
- sb says, that you don’t need money for life-you have happiness, love, health
Cash or credit card
- Cash
- if somebody stoles you wallet, he stoles you just money, which is in wallet and no all money, which you have on your bank account
- if you want to buy something in a shop, they always will take a money, in some shops the doesn’t accept a credit cards
- if you have real money in your wallet, you are more careful with money, because it is more painful, when you see your money in hands of shop assistant
- it is not practical if you have to pay a expensive thing
- if someone stole your money, they are gone
- if you are in foreign country, you have to exchange currency
- Credit card
- faster, now does exist contactless cards-even faster
- more comfortable
- safer, is someone stole you money-you can block your card
- on your account is bank rate and your money increases
- you don’t have to exchange currency in foreign country
- some taxes, that you have credit card
Me and money
- mostly from my mum and dad – allowance/pocket money
- my first part time job-in hydraulic firm-stocktaking; than shop assistant in newsagent – last summer
- I try to save all my money, I think I can budget – I saved for couple years and I bought camera
- I always got money from my grandmothers for my birthdays
Saving money
- everyone saves money for different things-camera, car, holidays,…