The European Union – maturitní otázka z angličtiny (2)



Otázka: The European Union

Jazyk: Angličtina

Přidal(a): Šmudla



1. What is the European Union?

The European Union is an organisation of 27 European states.


2. Can you name a city connected with the governing EU institutions?

Its headquarters is in Brussels, Belgium. President – Herman Van Rompuy


3. What is its purpose?

Generally, its purpose is economic integration and cooperation among its members and common policies.


4. What is the history of Europien Union? The European Union was founded on November 1,1993. It developed from the European Community ( EC) in 1967. The members of the EC were Belgium,Denmark,France, Greece,Ireland,Italy,Luxembourg,The Netherlands,Portugal,the United Kingdom and Spain . In 1993 these 12 member states signed the Maastricht Treaty. The Maastricht Treaty transformed the European Community into the European Union.


5. What does the emblem on the EU flag symbolize?

The European Union flag: A circle of 12 golden stars on a blue background (symbolizing perfection and unity)


6. How many member states does the EU have at the moment?



7. Can you name the member states?

Belgium,Denmark,France,Greece,Ireland,Italy,Luxembourg,The Netherlands,Portugal,

the United Kingdom,Spain,Germany,the Czech Republic,Poland,Slovakia…


8. What are the major EU institution? The European Commision (Evropská komise)

 the highest administrative body in the EU

 propose policy and law for the Council

 responsible for day-to-day running of the community

 members chosen by the Community governments for 5 years


The Council of the EU (Rada Evropské unie)

 the council of Ministers; represents national govermnents

 the most powerful EU body; primary decision-making authority of the EU


The European Parliament

 736 members, elected by citizens of the EU for 5 years

 little real power apart from checking the work of the council and the commision

 corrections, suggestions, changes to laws before passsed by Council


Other EU bodies:

 The European Court of Justice (Evropský soudní dvůr)

 The European Central Bank (Evropská centrální banka


9. What is the Schengen Agreement? How does it affect travelling in Europe?

The Schengen Agreement is a treaty signed on 14 June 1985 near the town of Schengen in Luxembourg, between five of the ten member states of the European Economic Community. It was supplemented by the Convention implementing the Schengen Agreement 5 years later. Schengenskou smlouvu uzavřely Francie, Německo, Belgie, Nizozemsko a Lucembursko 14. června 1985 u lucemburského Schengenu. Schengenská smlouva neboli smlouva o postupném rušení kontrol na společných hranicích je součást práva EU, jež umožňuje společný hraniční režim a společnou imigrační politiku. Byla základem pro všeobecné zrušení celních a pasových kontrol na hranicích vnitřních EU, čímž se vytvořil tzv. Schengenský prostor.


No police or customs checks at borders between most EU countries only at external

borders,more cooperation between police from different EU countries, you can buy and

bring back any goods for personal use.


10. How many Czech Crowns are there to one Euro?



11.When did the Czech Republic join the EU?

The Czech Repubic has been the EU member since May 1,2004


12.What are the main aims/goals of the Europien Union?

 Monetary Union – a single currency for Europe

 Freedom of movement

 Education development

 Peace keeping

 Relaxed border check

 Environmental care

 More job opportunities


13.How does EU affect Czech citizen?

 each Czech resident becomes a EU member = the right to travel, stay or work in any member state

 official EU documents are translated also into Czech language

 traffic regulations and health insurance remain the same

 Czech students can study in EU countries

14.How does the fact that the CR is part of the EU affect you when you travel abroad ?



– EU history

– Member states

– Institutions

– Symbols

– Everyday life in EU (,education,work,currency).

– Other


The European Union in a nutshell

What is the European Union?

The European Union is an organisation of 27 European states. Its headquarters is in Brussels, Belgium.

What is its purpose?

Generally, its purpose is economic integration and common policies.

The member states of the European Union





Belgium France Lithuania Slovakia
Bulgaria Germany Luxembourg Slovenia
Cyprus Greece Malta Spain
The Czech Republic Hungary The Netherlands Sweden
Denmark Ireland Poland The United Kingdom
Estonia Italy Portugal


  The history of the European Union

The European Union was founded on 1 November 1993. It developed from the European Community. The Maastricht Treaty transformed the European Community into the European Union.



 the European Union flag: A circle of 12 golden stars on a blue background (symbolizing perfection and unity)

 the anthem of the European Union: Ode to Joy by Ludwig van Beethoven (since 1972)


The main goals of the European Union

 Monetary Union – a single currency for Europe

 Freedom of movement

 Education development

 Peace keeping

 Relaxed border check

 Environmental care

 More job opportunities


The Monetary Union

The Euro is the monetary unit of the European Union. It has been in circulation since 1 January 2002.
The Euro is issued by the European Central Bank (located in Frankfurt, Germany).


Currently, 16 countries use the euro:
Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Malta, The Netherlands, Portugal,Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain
These countries are called The Euro zone (= the area where the euro is used).


The remaining EU members keep their old currency: Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Denmark, Sweden and the UK.



 citizens don’t have to change money every time they cross the border when travelling within the Eurozone

 it’s easier to compare prices with one currency

 the Euro is an international currency – it’s widely accepted in many places outside the Euro area


The Czech Republic membership

The Czech Republic has been the EU member since 1 May 2004.


The last enlargement of the EU

2007; Bulgaria, Romania


Current candidate countries

Croatia, Macedonia, Turkey


Structure of the EU – its bodies


The European Commision (Evropská komise)

 the highest administrative body in the EU

 propose policy and law for the Council

 responsible for day-to-day running of the community

 members chosen by the Community governments for 5 years


The Council of the EU (Rada Evropské unie)

 the council of Ministers; represents national govermnets

 the most powerful EU body; primary decision-making authority of the EU


The European Parliament

 751 members, elected by citizens of the EU for 5 years

 little real power apart from checking the work of the council and the commision

 corrections, suggestions, changes to laws before passsed by Council

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