EU – maturitní otázka z angličtiny



Otázka: European Union

Jazyk: Angličtina

Přidal(a): Anet99




It is an economical and political union of 28 member states. It has 23 official languages. These european countries are working together to improve life for their citizens and to build a better company. Its aim is peace, prosperity and freedom.

It has become a major trading power and a world leader. The basic six states are France, Italy, Belgium,

The Netherlands, Luxembourgh and Germany. Among the EU´s major accomplishments are single market, common trade and foreign policy.


In 1950 the french foreign minister Robert Schuman called for European community. The Treaty of Maastricht is valid from the 1st of November 1993.


The euro

The euro is the single currency in several states of the EU. On the 1st of January 2002, the euro went into circulation in 12 member states. The EU set economic criteria to make the euro a stable currency. The bank of issue for the euro is the European Central Bank, located in Frankfurt in Germany. It has total control over all EU monetary policies.


EU and CZ

the biggest enlargement of the EU on the 1st of May 2004 brought in 10 countries including the Czech Republic.

The most important changes are:

Each Czech resident became a member of the EU.

The official documents are translated into Czech because Czech became an official language of the EU.

Czech students have the right to spend their whole studies at the EU´s universities.


The EU institutions

The EU Commission – it is the head of executive power, it puts forward proposals for new laws. It represents the EU interests. It´s president is José Manuel Barroso.

The European Parliament – this is the legislative body, there are 785 members who are elected every 5 years from their home countries. They pass laws and the EU budget. The CZ will have 21 members of the EU Parliament. The EU can´t accept new members without the agreement of the European Parliament. It´s the only body of the EU, which is elected by citizens.

The main meetings are held in Strasbourg, others  in Brussels. It elects the EU Ombudsman

The Council of the EU –  represents the governments of the individual member countries. The Presidency of the Council is shared by the member states.

The Council of Europe – it´s a political intergovernmental organisation. It represents 47 European pluralist democracies, with 5 observes. Its aims are to protect human rights, to consolidate democratic stability in Europe, to seek solutions to social problems and to promote and develop a European cultural indentity. The total budget amounts to 404 million, and is                           financed mainly by the member states.

The European Court of Justice – it is the judicial branch of the EU.

The European Court of Auditors – it´s the financial auditor. It is based in Luxembourg.

The European Central Bank – it is responsible for monetary policy in the countries that use the euro as their

national currency.


The symbols

The flag of the EU is composed of a circle of 12 gold stars on a blue background. The number of stars is not related to the number of member states of the EU. It was created in 1955.

The other symbol is the euro and its symbol and the motto: United in Diversity.

The anthem where the melody comes from the Ninth Symphony composed by Ludwig Van Beethoven.

and The European day which is celebrated on 9th May.
aims and goals (použijte tohle –nic jiného nemusíte hledat)


The main goals of the European Union

  • Monetary Union – a single currency for Europe
  • Freedom of movement
  • Education development
  • Peace keeping
  • Relaxed border check
  • Environmental care
  • More job opportunities


The five big aims the EU has set out to do:

  • Promote economic and social progress.
  • Speak for the European Union on the international scene.
  • Introduce European citizenship.
  • Develop Europe as an area of freedom, security and justice.
  • Maintain and build on established EU law.


solidarity and innovation policies (popřemýšlejte si nad různými oblastmi, ve kterých se odráží finanční pomoc EU a uveďte k nim příklady)

Oblasti: agriculture, business, culture, education, employment, environment, regions and local development, travel and transport, science and technology etc.)

advantages and disadvantages of being a member of the EU (zamyslete se nad všeobecnými výhodami a nevýhodami členství v EU – vypište si minimálně 4 od každého )

personal opinion (Váš osobní názor na členství našeho státu v EU, jesli-li vám to něco přináší či naopak bere  jako občanovi ČR)


Připravte se na následující otázky!

  • What is the European Union? What initiated the establishment of the EU? Why and when?
  • Which states founded this community? Do you know something about its history? What are the most important dates and why?
  • What do you know about the geography and climate (some basic facts).
  • How many states does it include now? Which ones? Name.
  • What are the symbols of the EU? What is the motto and the anthem?
  • What is the currency of the EU? When was it adopted? And how many member states did it? Is it advantageous to use only one single currency in most European countries?
  • What do you know about the European Central Bank?
  • Where are the political centres of the EU? Name and describe the most important institutions of the EU.
  • Who is the President of the European Parliament, the European Council and the Commission?
  • What are the main treaties of the EU?
  • What are the aims of the EU?
  • What are the goals of the EU?
  • What do you know about the solidarity and innovation policies of the EU?
  • Do you think the EU is a good idea? What do you think about advantages and disadvantages of being a member of the EU?
  • What rights do the Czech Citizens have as members of the EU?
  • Why are some people pessimistic about the future of the Czech Republic in the EU?
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