Food around the world – maturitní otázka z angličtiny


  Otázka: Food around the world

  Jazyk: Angličtina

  Přidal(a): evvv89



  • Food is any nourishing substance that is eaten, drunk, or otherwise taken into the body to sustain life, provide energy, promote growth and maintain life, contains or consists of essential body nutrients, such as carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, or minerals.
  • There are issues of healthy and wholesome food. Many nutritionists try to make a model of wholesome and healthy diet.
  • Food is a main part of culture and life; we spend a lot of time by cooking and preparing meals. Every country has unique traditional meals and eating habits.
  • I think that there are 2 kinds of people, one type takes food just for nutrition and maintaining life. The second type of people takes meal like a special occasion to stay with the others and to enjoy the meal – the gourmets. Also you can discover foreign countries by tasting their food.



  • In recent time alternative diets became an upward trend. More and more people try to change their eating habits. There exist many kind of diets ex. Fruitarianism, Raw foodism, Cleanses diet, Paleo Diet (Stone Age Diet), Veganism, Vegetarianism…
  • It’s not a diet, it’s a lifestyle.
  • Maybe it’s more healthy, but nobody beared it out.
  • Alternative nutrition is gaining popularity by celebrities, elite athletes, politicians… (ex. sisters Williams-they are both vegans)
  • Most known alternative diets in these days are:
  • Frutarianism: the nourishment based on more than 75% fruit in natural form – raw, avoiding the animal products
  • Raw foodism: based on uncooked and unprocessed food (40°C), avoiding alcohol, sugar and caffeine
  • Veganism: avoiding animal products for any purposes, plant–based diet, environmentally based people
  • Vegetarianism: avoiding meat, many kinds of vegetarianism (ovovegetarians…)
  • Paleo diet (Stone Age Diet): frequently taken by athletes, eating habits as our ancestors, avoiding dairy products, salt, alcohol, sugar and caffeine, based on meat, roots, grains, vegetables and fruits



  • Traditionally 5 or 6 meals per day:
    • Breakfast- full English breakfast or light breakfast
    • elevenses (snack)
    • lunch
    • tea (small meal- biscuits with tea)
    • dinner (main meal of the day, formal occasion)
    • perhaps supper(smaller less formal evening meal)
    • on the weekend brunch is common
  • A full English breakfast is a hot dish of fried or grilled bacon and eggs, sausage and grilled tomatoes or baked beans in tomato sauce or kippers, sometimes completed with mushrooms. It is served with hash browns, black or white pudding and toast.
  • Most common beverages are black tea with milk and orange juice
  • National meals are:
  • Fish and chips – take-away, wrapped in newspaper, cod in batter with chips, brown sauce and vinegar
  • Roast dinners– Sunday dinners, roasted meat with boiled vegetables, Yorkshire pudding and gravy
  • Now tikka masala – chicken with tomato gravy with cocount cream, most popular indian food



  • Lots of influences from various cultures, so cuisine is a mixture of many ethnics.
  • Popular is breakfast on the run, lunch is usually fast food, dinner is the main meal of the day.
  • Americans love to eat out (popular barbecue– S’Mores marshmallows), but also the TV dinners are popular.
  • National meals are for example: hamburgers, pumpkin and apple pie, cookies, peanut butter and jelly sandwich



  • Canadians eat 3 times a day, dinner is the most important. That’s why they never skip meals.
  • National dish is Poutine– french fries smothered with cheese and gravy
  • Maple syrup– pancakes, flapjacks
  • Nainamo Bar- dual layer chocolate based candy with cocount, almond and graham-the sweetest candy.
  • Most popular is cafeteria Tim Hortons – national cofee and Pea soup to beat the chill
  • Canadian cosine is influenced by many ethniques such as french ethnique, even in Quebec the eating habits are almou the same as in France.



  • Tea or dinner is the biggest meal/dish of the day. Lunch is usually a small sandwich.
  • Lamb and beef is the most popular meat and of course the seafood is quite common on the tables.
  • Australians love to do BBQ, even the Christmas dinner is often a BBQ.
  • Australian most famous and most popular spread is Vegemite, every Australian eats this yeast spread.
  • The most popular and national desert is Pavlova or chocolate pudding.
  • We can say that the national meals are roast beef, meat pies with tomato sauce or steaks.



  • We eat 5 times a day, main course is the lunch so in the morning and in the evening we try to eat light meals.
  • Also, we eat dinner very early (at 6 o’clock) and then we don’t eat something more.
  • Soup is a big part of our cuisine-goulash, bouillon with liver dumplings, dill soup
  • As a side dish is used cooked cabbage, sauerkraut, spinach, dumplings or potatoes
  • In general czech cuisine consist of fatty meals with lard and flour. We eat a lot of bread and cakes. We are the first in Europe in drinking beer; the most famous is Pilsner Urquel. The most typical alcoholic beverage is Slivovitz or Carlsbad Becher Liqueur.
  • Our national meals are:
    • National meal is roast pork with dumplings and cabbage (sauerkraut)
    • Breaded and fried pork with potato salad
    • Fruit dumplings with cottage cheese
  • Popular czech deserts are: hot cross bun, kolaches (AmE), christmas sweets, strudel
  • One of the most popular sweets is thermal wafer – Kolonády or now Trdelník gained a lot of popularity
  • Well-known is also pub food, such as pickled sausage, cold plate, goulash, tenderloin.
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