The Czech Republic – maturitní otázka z angličtiny [11]



Otázka: The Czech Republic

Jazyk: Angličtina

Přidal(a): Vojtěch



1) The Czech Republic is the state in which we live, and in which most of us were also born. It is our native country.


2) The Czech Republic is situated in Central Europe. It is said that it lies in the heart of Europe. The Czech Republic is an inland country. With area of 78,864 km2 it is located in the temperate climatic zone.


3) Our republic has four neighbours. In the north it borders on Poland and in the south on Austria. The shortest border is with Slovakia in the east and the longest with Germany in the west.


4) The Czech Republic has a population of about 10.3 million. Some live in Bohemia, others in Moravia and some in Silesia. Besides Czechs, Moravians and Silesians, different national minorities live there as well. There are Slovaks, Poles, Germans, Hungarians and Romanies.


5) Prague is the capital of the Czech Republic since 1918. The population of Prague is 1.2 million. The head of state of the Czech republic is the President (first president was T.G.M.). He is elected for a five-year term. Real power, however is wielded by parliament and the government.The state flag consists of two horizontal stripe (white on the top, red on the bottom) and a blue wedge (triangle).


6) Mountain ranges form our country’s natural borders. The surface of our country is rather hilly. The Western border is formed by the Krušné Mountains, where the highest peak is called Klínovec (1244m). The Šumava range, where we can find a lot of swamps, extends to the south. Also two glacial lakes can be found there – Černé and Čertovo. The Šumava range is known for its original virgin forest. The highest mountains in the Czech Republic are the Giant Mountains with highest peak in the Czech Republic, Sněžka (1602m). Other mountain ranges visited by tourist are, for example: Beskydy, Hrubý Jeseník and so on.


7) Other frequent destinations are sandy rock in Český Ráj or stalactite caves in Moravský Kras. The greates abyss, called Macocha is also situated in Moravský Kras, is 138m deep.


8) The Czech Republic does not have any seacoast, but it has many navigable rivers (Elbe, Morava and Oder). The Elbe has source in the Giant Mountains, flows though-out Germany and enters the North Sea. The largest and the most important tributary of the Elbe is the Vltava. Several dams have been built on this river, for example Lipno, Orlík and Slapy. These dams are not only used for the production of electricity, but are in the first place a favourite destination for people, who come here for recreation and amusement.


9) South Bohemia is known for its large and numerous ponds. Fresh-water fish are farmed there, primarily carp. The largest pond, Rožmberk, was created in 15th and 16th centuries.


10) The Czech Republic has 14 regions. We live in Vysočina region.


11) Our country is rich in minerals. There are mined Black and brown coal, lignite, sand for glass-making, etc. Traditionally the main industrial area has been located in the northern part of the country. Prominent industrial cities are Prague, Brno, Ostrava, Kladno, Plzeň, Sokolov, Most, Chomutov, etc.


12) Fuel and energy industries are very well developed in the Czech Republic. To produce energy are used thermal power stations (e.g. Tušimice, Mělník), nuclear power plants (Dukovany and Temelín) and hydroelectric power plants (Lipno, Orlík, Slapy, Dalešice).


13) Czech beer brewing (Plzeň) and wine making (South Moravia) have a long tradition and popularity both at home and abroad.


14) The lowlands are important for agriculture and crop farming. The most extensive Czech lowland is Polabská. The land along the banks of the river Morava is very fertile. In the lowlands the following heat-loving crops are grown – sugar, beet, sunflowers, sweet corn, fruits and vegetables. Pigs and sheep are breed here. In mountain areas highland cattle are breed.


15) The most frequently used form of transportation is by rail. After these air transportation are used. Airport is in Prague (Václava Havla), Ostrava.


16) The national anthem is the song “Where is my home” by František Škroup. Theater Kajetána Tyla for the first time people could hear this song at Fidlovačka.

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