Australia – maturitní otázka z angličtiny



Otázka: Australia

Jazyk: Angličtina

Přidal(a): patka130



I would like to speak about Australia. At first I would like to tell you something about geography and population. The second part will be about history and political system. The third part about nature and interesting places in Australia.



Australia is a continent between the Indian and the Southern Pacific Ocean. Australia is the smallest continent, but the sixth largest country in the world. Area is about 8 million km2…The capital is Canberra.  The largest city is Sydney, second largest is Melbourne.Australia has 6 states and 2 territories (States: Western Australia, South Australia, Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria and Tasmania… Territories: Northern territory and Australian Capital Territory). It is a part of Commonwealth. The longest river is Darling. The highest mountains are the Australian Alps with the highest point Mt. Kosciusko. Australia’s climate is quite differentfrom the rest of the world. It is the driest inhabited continent on earth, and the centre of the country has one of the lowest rainfall rates in the world.7



It´s population is about 21 million inhabitants. There live mostly British, but there are also Aborigines (original inhabitants) – about 228 000. They live mainly to200 metersfrom coast on south-east. Because at the rest of continent are jungles, grasslands and desserts. The density is very low. Their official language is English.



The coast was explored by James Cook in 1770. The first people that came there were British prisoners. It was going to be a British prisoner colony. But in the middle of the 19th century there were found gold, so there come new people.


Political system and Government

The head of state is British Queen and is represented by Governor-General. Heads of government are Prime Minister and Cabinet. It is federal parliamentary state with two legislative houses Senate and House of Commons. As currency they have Australian dollar. Their national anthem is “Advance Australia Fair”.



There are living some exotic original animals. For example platypus (ptakopysk), echidna (ježura), anteater (mravenečník), emu, dingo, koala, kangaroo. 7 out of 10 of the most poisonous snakes can be found in Australia.


Ayers Rock(Uluru)is a large sandstone rock formation in the southern part of the Northern Territory. Geological age is up to 600 million years ago. Ayers Rock changes colour by the sun. At sunset is mostly having orange colour.



Their flag is blue, it has six white stars (represent 6 states) and British flag in the left upper corner.


Interesting places

Australia is famous for its wildlife

Sydney is the oldest city. Brisbane is the third largest

Adelaide lies in the southern part of the country. There are a lot of museums, galleries and parks. There are two universities and a car-manufacturing factory

Melbourne is one of the most beautiful cities. Perth is an important industrial city

In the interior of the country is the Red Australian Desert, ULURU (Rock)

The west coast has wine region.

The Sydney Opera House is one of the most distinctive and famous 20th century buildings in the world. The building and its surroundings form a typical Australian image.

Great Barrier Reef: The most extensive coral reefs in the world.


The Famous people who came from Australia are Mel Gibson, Russell Crowe, Paul Hogan, Ian Thorpe, LeytonHewitt and other famous people

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