Drugs – maturitní otázka z angličtiny



Otázka: Drugs

Jazyk: Angličtina

Přidal(a): Karolína



Drugs are usually considered chemical or nature substances, which cause a change in an organism’s physiology or psychology.


Drugs may be a legal or illegal.

  • In legal drugs are pills, coffee, nicotine and alcohol. Nicotine and alcohol are legal but you must have 18 years old. Coffee should be from fifteen, but it is not defined by law. People from other countries usually regard alcohol and nicotine as drugs, but in the Czech Republic it is often a common part of life. We can see even 15 years old kids smoking cigarettes and drink alcohol.
  • Addiction can also be created on very common things and can be a very serious problem. These include for example sugar, glutamate, gambling or even playing computer games.


Drugs may be soft or hard:

  • Soft: tobacco, cannabis, but also caffeine.
  • Hard: heroin, methamphetamine, cocaine, alnagon, morphine, ecstasy, psilocybin, toluene, (LSD), but also alcohol


People begin using drugs for various reasons: 

  • Psychical reason – when I haven’t got drugs I have seizures.
  • Psychological reason – for example when I take drugs a feel happy and stronger.
  • Social reason – for example when I have a friend and he is using drugs and I want to be drowned and be like him.


Drugs may be using in different ways

  • drinking (alcohol)
  • eating (LSD)
  • injecting (methamphetamine)
  • smoking (cigarettes or marihuana)
  • sniffing (cocaine)
  • inhaling (toluene)


Each of the drugs can occur overdose effects – for example:

  • Stimulant give you energy (it can be caffeine or nicotine)
  • Sedatives – you feel free, happy (stronger analgesics, barbiturates).
  • Hallucinogens – you can feel as you are in a paradise or you are extra strong, but someone can have a bad hallucination and the end can be very bad (mushrooms, marihuana).
  • Solvents – when people using solvents they are very slowly their react are slowly too. Long term use of solvents causes dementia.
  • Smoking– People usually smoke when they feel stressed. Smoking causes hard attack, lung cancer, blood pressure
  • Alcohol – people which drink every day he may have problem with stomach, kidneys and liver cirrhosis

When people using drugs using needles (injecting), they may gave HIV/aids, infection or jaundice.


Prevention has 3 levels:

  • Primary – It is important to inform people. For example peer program for teenager that comes to the class where are the teenagers and he or she speak about drugs. They understand it better from peers.
  • Secondary– treatment it a finish. People learn live without drugs
  • Tertiary  – hard redaction programs people don’t want to stop with drugs and tertiary prevention. This type of prevention is there to protect the public. There are changes inciting people get the vitamins, clothing, bandages, plasters, disinfection, condom and pregnancy test.


Treatments Detox on detox come people which wanting to get the drug from the body. It takes one to two weeks. It very hard, people has hallucinations, temperature, vomiting, sweating.

Another is treatment with subutex or replacement it u substance which writes doctor. Compensation helps people stop with drugs.

Residential or impatient– patient live in residential and they must come on community, they have daily routine, therapy. It takes six months to a year and the finish is to learn to live without drugs learn work and live ordinary.

Out patien – it a ambulatory. People go to therapy twice a week, for example behavioural therapy.

NGO it a centre NGO it is a help for people and it is free there are  k centrum, drop in, sananim


Stage of addiction

  • Experimentation – my friend using drugs and I have and I want to be drowned. It a very stupid reason.
  • Regular use for example a have dose cocaine every weekend. I take drugs regularly
  • Spent a lot of money a have got work a haven’t got money a must steal
  • Dependents – a need it. I cannot live without drugs
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