Otázka: Keep yourself fit! Healthy lifestyle
Jazyk: Angličtina
Přidal(a): MArtin
When a person is not in a shape or in a state of good health or another member of the family is ill, we lose our good humour. We are not happy any longer. Money will not cure a person with terminal illness. Health together with love is the most precious gift that people have. That´s why we shouldn´t gamble with it or tempt our fate needlessly.
What is health?
- Is a state of harmony of our body and spirit, a state of physical and social prosperity
- Nowadays good health is expected and accepted as a normal by most of people living in developed countries. It is result of: improved standards of prenatal and child care, hygiene, nutrition, preventive medicine, better educational methods and communication
- Two types of health care facilities: private or state
- The medical care in our country is basically free of charge
Being ill:
When we are ill, we can feel: rotten, shivery, with aching head, we are sweating, losing appetite, feeling sick, having temperature – all these are the symptoms of our illness, so then we should follow these advices:
- Stay indoors, keep warm and keep away from the others
- Have plenty of cool drinks
- If we feel shivery over 38 degrees or aches or pains, we should take an aspirin every 4 hours
- Rest in bed
- Try to have three light meals a day, but we should not force ourselves to eat if we have to lose our appetite
- If it is not better, then go to the GP (General Practitioner)
Types of doctor:
- General practitioner (GP)
- Paediatrician (child specialist)
- Dentist (dental surgeon)
- Optician
- Surgeon
Illnesses and diseases:
Common children illnesses
- Chicken pox, mumps, measles, scarlet fever, rubella, polio
Common curable infections
- Bronchitis, influenza (flu), cold, tonsillitis, sore – throat
Serious diseases
- Pneumonia, diabetes
Incurable/fatal diseases
- AIDS, cancer, rheumatism
Civilisation diseases
- Asthma, stress, allergies, headache
Prevention is better than cure – we should lead such a way of life to keep our mind and body in a perfect state and balance
Healthy way of life:
- No smoking/alcohol/drugs
- Balanced diet – not eat too much fat meat, sugar – but eat fish, white meat, eggs, seeds, fruit, vegetables
- Eat 5 times a day and drink 2 – 3 litters of water
- Outdoor activity – it keeps people strong, flexible, it avoids putting the weight on, and keeps the heart and vessels strong, best is swimming, skiing, cycling, dancing, walking
- No stress – we have to avoid the stress = KILLER
- Relaxation, not to be overworked, do meditation and LAUGHT
- Personal hygiene – washing hand
- Take regular routine checks – breast exam, blood pressure, heart rate test,…