Otázka: Occupation, Professions
Jazyk: Angličtina
Přidal(a): Keytik
People all around the world need to make money so they can live their lives. And how exactly do you make money? By working, of course. And there is variety of jobs you can choose to do.
Ideal Job
I must admit that I am still not completely sure what exactly would I like to do. But in general, my ideal job should be highly paid and should me significant in some way (I don’t want to end up working at a job where what I do doesn’t really matter). Also, I would be very happy if my job required creativity. I like to think of myself as a creative and original human being and I’d like to improve these qualities.
I’m not sure if I’d want to work with a group of other people. I prefer working alone, because then I don’t have to rely on anyone else which is better for me. I don’t like the idea that if one person does a crappy job the whole team bares the consequences. I would be furious if someone else had ruined my work. And it would be even worse if I had been the one who messed it up.
I guess that if I’d really have to name a specific job I would go with manager of some company that has something to do with cultural life. Music, Movies, theaters, festivals etc.
Your Future plans
I’m not one of those people who have their lives lined and who knows exactly what they want from life. I’m open-minded and still haven’t figured out most of the things. But I can lay out the plans I know so far.
I’m going to graduate from high school (hopefully) and then start studying at university. I have several options. Either I’ll study in Brno at Masaryk’s University (‘Economics’ or ‘corporate economy In and management’) or in Prague at University of Economics (‘Economics’ or ‘Diplomacy’).
At university I’d like to find myself a part time job, so I can help finance my studies. I don’t really know what job it could be. I could end up as a waitress, some kind of assistant, receptionist, babysitter, cleaning lady or a shop assistant in a Mc Donald’s.
I hope that during my time at university I’ll have a chance to attend some kind of an internship. Better Universities usually have some to offer and I really believe it’s a great opportunity how to gain experience. I would be happy to participate in the project Erasmus, where students are send to another country to study and also to get to know other cultures.
I also have a few small goals. I’d like to vastly improve my ability to speak French and seal it with a certificate. Also, I wish to get an upper certificate in English.
Modern trends in education
At the age of 15 kids have to first decide what approximately they want to do in their lives. They can quit school and go to work (probably manual job, without any kind of a degree it is hard to find a well-paid job), they can study to get a certificate of qualification (plumber, carpenter, builder, hair-dresser), they can go to secondary school (flight attendant, nurse, dentist’s assistant, accountant) or they might get an university degree (faculty of art, faculty of medicine, law, economy).
But nowadays you can get more education even when out of school. There are centers that specialize in education and you can learn many things by going to their courses (in the end you usually get some form of a certificate proving that you have completed the course). You can learn languages, handicraft etc. Also, if you want a job that you are not qualified enough you can participate in a re-training program that will extent the field of your skills.
And if you’re simply interested in educating yourself without the promise of any kind of certification you may use the internet. The internet offers a number of on-line courses and instructions how to learn something. It is very helpful and quite comfortable since you can learn things while sitting home. Of course, if you are not feeling that the internet’s informations are satisfying you have always one option left – grab a book and start learning the old-fashion way.
Job market
When you’re finally done with all the studying, you’re ready to find a job therefore you must turn to the job market. There are many jobs you can pick. There are two types of jobs: manual and mental. The manual/physical job doesn’t require much thinking. These people need physical power, energy and stamina. They are specialized, education is at low level, for example builder, carpenter, farmer, fireman, butcher, miner. Some need special skills, for example waiters, cookers, watch-makers, shoemakers, hairdressers, car mechanics – they work in services, industry and agriculture. Mental jobs are quite the opposite. People need high education, they are also better paid. And they don’t need physical skills, for example manager, officer, accountant, teacher, health care, judge, lawyer or politician.
The reason people work is of course money. And it is obvious that people want to earn as much as possible. Higher salaries are typical for mental jobs (it makes sense, since these people usually studied longer and harder and their job require more attention).
From the point of gender there are typical jobs for men and women. For men are typical physical jobs such as: truck driver, car mechanic, soldier, mine. Women typical jobs are: nurse, tailor or teacher – they have to be patient and reliable. But in modern society it has become more and more common for people to tear down the wall of prejudice and do the work that is typical for the opposite gender. Some women are in traditional jobs for men (police, army) and men are in traditional women’s job (chef, designer).
Jobs also differ in working hours. Some jobs have fixed working hours such (desk jobs, assistants, accountants etc.) where you start at 6 or 7 am and work till 3 or 4 pm (with lunch break). But there are also jobs where you work at shifts (8 to 24 hours) and it is different every day. Shifts are common for doctors, firefighters, police officers, pilots, bartenders etc.). Jobs are also divided into part time (typical for students, seniors or women on maternity leave) and full time jobs.
Looking for a vacancy
Looking for a job can be tricky. It is easier to get a job that not many people is qualified to do (there is a shortage of dentists, doctors, chefs etc.) or willing to do (cleaners, shop assistants, blue-collar workers etc.). When people are unemployed it is for the best if they register at the employment office (help with finding a job will be provided here). There are other ways of looking for a job, you can get information about jobs from: advertisement, internet, radio, TV, local cable TV, leaflets or from other people.
When you want to apply for a job at first you have to write an application and you have to enclose your CV (curriculum vitae). If the potentional employer decides that you might be good for the job (according to your CV) he will aks you to come by for an interview. It is very important to make a good impression (some people believe that the very first impression is final). You should be dressed appropriately, seem confident and relaxed and you should be prepared for questons (focused on the job, your approach to the job, why are you interested in the job, what do you know about the compay etc.)
Curriculum vitae should contain: name, date of birth, place of birth, permanent address, nationality, marital status, telephone number, e-mail, education, work experience, other information, special skills, references, date and sign.
Different jobs
Risky jobs
These are jobs that somehow affect your health or even endanger your own life. Risky jobs are for example: Fireman, police officer, soldier, miner, rescue worker in the mountains. These people must have courage, be strong and persistent.
Well-paid jobs
There are many jobs with too high salaries from different kinds of work places. For example: Actor, Musician, CEO, businessman, stock broker, high-ranked politician, aircraft pilot, surgeons. It is important to mention that not every job is appreciated equally everywhere in the world. Teachers for example are quite underrated in Europe an USA but in Japan being a teacher is a big privilege with a much thicker paycheck.
Boring jobs
These are usually desk-jobs but I believe every person has its own ideas of what is boring and what is not. Jobs that I consider boring are: shop assistant, secretary, receptionist, manual jobs, cashier etc. Basically every job that does not require thinking is boring. If you can’t use your creativity, don’t have to strategize or analyze but have to manually do something you could do with your eyes shut – that is what I find boring.
Exciting jobs
These are usually jobs that are also a bit dangerous. Jobs that destroy the stereotypes. Every day is creative and original, you’re not repeating the same activity day by day. You gave to be attentive, sharp and ingenious. These jobs are for example: detective, actor, marketing manager, director, and stuntman.
For some jobs you need to have a special talent and determination. People like artists, photographers, designers and journalists can’t be successful if they are not talented. You need to have a good imagination, fantasy and a lot of creativity. For some jobs, you need to have certain qualities or character traits. For example, if you want to become a doctor, you need to be determined, patient, flexible, and sensitive, you should be good with people and you should be prepared to work long hours and weekends. As a teacher you should be friendly, authoritative, good at explaining and also good at dealing with people.
cook – kuchař
chef – šéfkuchař
bartender/barmaid – barman/ka
waiter/waitress – číšník/číšnice
shop assistant – prodavač
cashier – pokladní
butcher – řezník
baker/ess – pekař/ka
candy maker – cukrář
dressmaker – dámský krejčí
tailor – pánský krejčí
hairdresser – kadeřnice
barber – holič
jeweler – klenotník
goldsmith – zlatník
mechanic – mechanik
taxi driver – taxikář
messenger – posel
postman/mailman – listonoš
builder – stavbař
bricklayer – zedník
carpenter – tesař
plumber – instalatér
welder – svářeč
decorator – malíř pokojů
electrician – elektrikář
glazier – sklenář
fireman/firefighter – hasič
lifeguard – plavčík
rescuer – záchranář
guard – strážný
ticket inspector – revizor
forester/ranger – lesník
gardener – zahradník
florist – květinářka
coal miner – horník
chimney sweeper – kominík
dustman/garbage man – popelář
cleaner – uklízečka
doctor – lékař
dentist – zubař
optician – optik
psychiatrist – psychiatr
surgeon – chirurg
veterinarian/vet – veterinář
chemist/druggist/pharmacist – lékárník
nurse – zdravotní sestra
masseur/masseuse – masér/ka
social worker – sociální pracovník
headmaster/headmistress/principal– ředitel/ka
apprentice – učedník
driving instructor – učitel v autoškole
policeman/woman – policista/tka
detective – detektiv
sailor – námořník
soldier – voják
customs officer – celník
journalist – novinář
chairman – předseda
deputy – poslanec
politician – politik
consultant – konzultant
artist – umělec, umělkyně
painter – malíř
sculptor – sochař
poet – básník
writer – spisovatel
composer – hudební skladatel
singer – zpěvák
ballet dancer – baletka
musician – hudebník
actor/actress – herec/herečka
(fashion) model – modelka
photographer – fotograf
architect – architekt
designer – umělecký návrhář
publisher – nakladatel
editor – vydavatel; střihač (filmu)
bookseller – knihkupec
librarian – knihovník
scientist – vědec
inventor – vynálezce
computer programmer – programátor
engineer – inženýr
banker – bankéř
bank manager – ředitel banky
stockbroker – makléř
judge – soudce, porotce
lawyer – právník
entrepreneur – podnikatel
businessman/woman – podnikatel/ka
manager – manažer, ředitel
sales representative – obchodní zástupce
estate agent – obchodník s realitami
insurance agent – pojišťovací agent
dealer – obchodník
personal assistant – osobní asistent
secretary – sekretářka
accounts clerk – účetní
hotelier – hoteliér
receptionist – recepční
translator – překladatel(ka)
interpreter – tlumočník, tlumočnice
pilot – pilot
flight attendant – letuška
steward/ess – stevard/ka
spaceman/astronaut – kosmonaut
astronomer – astronom
referee – rozhodčí
nun – jeptiška, řádová sestra
monk/friar – mnich
rabbi – rabín
blue collar – dělníci
white collar – úředníci