Otázka: The Olympic Games
Jazyk: Angličtina
Přidal(a): Eva Musilová
Olympic Games
- come from Ancient Greece (honoured the Greek god Zeus)
- first time 776 BC, ended 392 AD (more than 1000 years)
- athlets from around the world came to compete in Olympic Games, only male
- compete in races, boxing, wresting match, gymnastics, weightlifting + poety, music, speechmaking and other arts
- winners were crowned with wreaths od olive or palm leaves
The Modern Games
- came back in 1896 (Pierre de Coubertin)
- winter games in 1924
- today 10 000 athlets which represented 200 nation
- number of ceremonies – friendship + peaceful
- Greek team always entres first and host nation last
- Olympic Flame – torch relay was introduced on ceremony in the 1936 for the first time,
- doves of peace
- Olympic Flag – with five interloking rings of different unity among the nation (Africa, Americas, Asia, Australia and Europe)
- medal ceremonies
- Olympic Oath (ol. přísaha), 1992 – different time of hosting summer and winter OG
- take drugs, security problems, financial problems, politics
- after each OG, with are for handicapped
- Jiří Ježek
Sochi 2014
- winter OG
- the most expensive
- biathlon (Ondřej Moravec, Gabriela Soukalová, Jaroslav Soukup), speed skating (Martina Sáblíková), snowboarding cross (Eva Samková)
What does „sport“ mean to you/people? How does it help?
- way of meeting people,having fun, learning cooperation, keeping fit, learning new things, keeping healthy, to keep mentaly fit, meet new friends or partners, be famous, money, phisical activites
How can we devide sport?
- winter (skiing) X summer (running)
- team (hockey) X invidual (golf)
- indoor (volleyball) X outdoor (rugby)
- with equipment (hockey) X without equipment (jogging)
- amatuer (I am) X professional (Sáblíková,…)
- active (playing) X passive (watching)
- national X international
- national sports the in Czech Republic are ice hockey, football, goot at : tennis, athletics, skiing, speed skating, figure skating
- national sports in UK are cricket, football, golf, field hockey, rugby, tennis, horseriding, polo, curling, rowing
- national sports in the USA are baseball, basketball, american football, lacrosse
- national sports in Canada are ice hockey, skating, bobbing
- national sports in Australia are tennis, golf, cricket, rugby, rules football, water sports, yachting, snorcheling
- national sports in New Zeeland are rugby (All Blacks), bungee-jumping, paragliding
What do you do?
When I was 5 years old, I was swiming for 2 years. I needed only a swimsuit and a towl. Than, I attended ballet lessons ofr 3 years. I needed a Jersey and gym shoes. Than, I was going to aerobics. Nowadays, I run twice a week with Lucka when the weather is beautiful. I needed mainly good shoes. In summer, I ride a bike and I do inline skating. I work out once a week. I like watching ice hockey on TV.
- soccer, football – fotbal shooting – střelba
- shot put – vrh koulí archery – lukostřelba
- modern gymnastics – moderní gymnastika water jumping – skoky do vody
- weightlifting – vzpírání pole vaulting – skok o tyči
- hurdle race – překážkový běh water skiing – vodní lyžování
- canoeing – jízda na kánoi cycling – cyklistika
- baseball – baseball figure skating – krasobruslení
- speed skating – rychlobruslení downhill skiing – sjezdové lyžování
- cross-country skiing – běžecké lyžování ski jumping – skoky na lyžích
- long jump – skok daleká running – běhání
- horse racing – jízda na koni volleyball – volejbal
- javelin throw – hod oštěpem fencing – šerm
- swimmng – plavání athletics – atletika
- hurdles – skok přes překážky windsurfing – windsurfing
- golf – golf bobbing – bobování
- jogging – běhání
- fast walking – rychlochůze
- judo – judo
- motor racing – motoristické závody
- rowing –veslování
Where can we do/play sport?
- gym (tělocvična, posilovna), fitness centre, squash/tenis court, softball field/playground (hřiště), swimming pool (inside, outside), inline track/path(dráha,cesta), football pitch (trávník), sport hall, volleyball/handbal court, athletics stadium, skate park, golf course (hřiště), slope/pistes (sjezdovky)
What equipment do you need?
- stick (hokejka), pole(s) (hůlky), bat (pálka), racket (raketa), club (na golf), javelin (oštěp), discus (disk), gun (zbraň), oar (veslo), paddle (pádlo)
- helmet (helma), goggles (brýle na plavání), elbow and knee pads (chrániče) , trainers/shoes(boty), binding (vázání), skikes (špunty na kopačkách), wire mask (maska na šerm)
- ball (míč), puck (puk), shuttlecock (míček na benbington)
- goal (bol, branka), hurdles (překážky), match (zápas), rink (hřiště)