Shopping – maturitní otázka z angličtiny



  Otázka: Shopping

  Jazyk: Angličtina

  Přidal(a): paja



Most of the people do the shopping because they have to. They have to buy food, clothes, sometimes equipment. Or they just want to have anything new. Some people, especially women and girls, love shopping. They can’t live without it. It’s necessary for them to go through the shop and look what new they have and what is cheaper and what is more expensive. It’s a form of relaxation for them, which costs them a lot of money. Sometimes they buy stupid things just to have them. Useless clothes etc. Some of us have to go to the shop to buy some presents. It’s a disaster usually, especially with men. They go and go and don’t know what to buy.


Shopping in my family

My mother goes to the shop almost every day after work. She buys bread or rolls, sometimes some fruits and vegetable. On Friday she has a big shopping for a weekend. Usually we go to the supermarkets like a Kaufland or Tesco- there are all things for everyday life, but we can find there too things for garden or food for pets for example. And the prices are positive for our wallets. But in my village we have only two small markets and we buy there only sometimes.


Window shopping

  • · it has got a lot of advantages – you don‘t need money

– you can see a lot of interesting things without entering to the shop Þ you don‘t have to queue

– you can have a nice survey about prices or new  kinds or trends

  • · I do this when I have nothing to do, when I wait for the bus or for friends…


Buying presents

I don‘t like buying presents because I never know what to buy. I hate buying useful presents. I think present should be anything special not ordinary things which you will use every day. But I think I have good imagination, so I like fabrication of original presents.

Shopping is pleasant when I have nothing to do, a lot of time and a lot of money. If you have money you can choose, if don’t, you have to buy what is. I know it from the time when I needed a lot of sports equipment. It’s true that in some sort of things “the more expensive the better quality”. Shopping is usually pleasant when I can choose but sometimes it’s unpleasant because I don’t know what to buy, I can’t decide. And when I buy anything I say to myself  “I should had taken anything different, it would have been definitely better…”


Different kinds of shops:

  • · stalls   – standing in the streets and squares or at the tube-stations (many of their keepers are Vietnamese)

– you can buy watches, jeans or shoes cheaper than anywhere else, but this goods often have terrible quality – lose colours, shape, …,

  • · self-service shops or supermarkets – bigger, you can buy also goods from chemist or ironmonger here
  • · hypermarkets – very large, sell all possible kinds of food and kitchen and house needs
  • · department stores – usually huge buildings equipped with speedy lifts and escalators, where you can buy almost everything from food to furniture
  • · big markets, which are sponsored from abroad, could be dangerous for small private shops, because they can push off them
  • · TV shopping – adverts on TV, you can phone and they will post you the goods
  • · Internet shopping – you search an Internet page of some shop and you can find the prizes and you can order some goods or duties, you can send money from your bank account for programs’ registration
  • · Interactive shops – in isn’t ordinary yet, they just try it in some countries, you can order something through your TV set – very comfortable


Shopping in department stores x normal shops

Department stores

It‘s more comfortable, you can buy everything there, you are in one building, you don‘t have to travel through whole town, you can spend whole day there. There is a big choice there. There is a lot of space there but sometimes there could be a big amount of people. There could be some problems with service. If there is a lot of people you can‘t find a staff, you can get lost – it‘s dangerous for small children. The prizes are higher.


Normal shops, boutiques

There is not everything in one shop, you have to go to more shops, you have to queue in every shop, there is lesser choice there, you are served, it’s cheaper, in the village it’s more familiar, there is often full so there is lack of space, it’s not open whole day or on weekends, old people can have a chat.

I prefer department stores to ordinary shops. You have to visit a lot of shops and there are different goods in every shop. I choose something but don’t buy it and I go to another shop then I have to go back. You have better choice but it lasts very long. Department stores are the best If you want to buy only food I thing. You don’t have to go to bakery, butcher, fruit, etc.


Shopping in the town ´ in the village

  • · town   – many kinds of shops, you can choose one which is the best one

– there is bigger competition – lower prices.

  • · village – one shop dictates the prices, good relationships between customers and shop assistants

– not enough chances for shopping

– terrible duties, a little goods


How shops try to influence customers

Adverts, lower prizes, competitions, special offers – summer or winter reductions (slevy), customer can taste the food or try to drive a car, close-out-sales, special gifts for buying something. They put the most expensive things in the height of your eyes and cheaper goods somewhere down so you see the most expensive things first.


Shopping in our country x GB

Czech Republic

  • · in the Czech Republic there are more possibilities for private shops and duties after revolution in 1989
  • · shops aren’t only Czech, but also foreigner companies discovered our market for their business, we can meet with many foreigner shops (Makro, Bauhaus, Kauflland, Salamander…)
  • · our businessmen have to count with a big competition from abroad. It could be good for customers, because the Shopkeepers must keep the prices low.
  • · we can buy cloth in the boutiques, but there are all kinds of cloth very expensive, because those are originals


Great Britain

Big supermarkets; out of the city; people do big shopping; they pay with credit cards not in cash

Tesco – supermarkets for not very rich people, the goods isn’t arranged very well, lower prices

Harold’s – for very rich people, you don’t see prizes, staff is very polite, dressed in special costumes, it has got long tradition, you have to be well dressed to get in

Marks & Spencer – clothes shop, not very expensive for English

Body shop – small shops, very expensive, cosmetics, natural products, not tasted on animals, nothing artificial

Boots – chemist’s, cosmetic, detergents, in the USA also some refreshment

One pound shop – very popular in GB, bad quality



trade, trader              obchod, obchodník

wholesale                  velkoobchod

retail                          maloobchod

market                       trh

exhibition gronds    výstaviště

on the stall                na stánku

department store      obchodní dům

shop                           obchod

counter                      pult

self-service shop     samoobsluha

pawnshop                  zastavárna

signboard                  vývěsní štít

store                           skladiště

supply, supplier       dodávat, dodavatel

shop-keeper              majitel obchodu

shop window            výkladní skříň

buyer                         kupující

shop assistant           prodavač

customer                   zákazník

consumer goods       spotřební zboží

articles                       druhy zboží

first class goods       prvotřídní zboží

quality goods            kvalitní zboží

deal in st.                   obchodovat s něčím

large assortment       velký sortiment

keep a shop               mít obchod

in stock                      na skladě

out of stock               vyprodáno

for sale                      na prodej

purchase                    koupě

do the shopping       dělat nákupy

enter the shop           vejít do obchodu

queue up for             postavit se do fronty

attend                         obsluhovat

great demand            velká poptávka

keep it for you          schovat to pro vás

to sell quickly          jít rychle na odbyt

consignment             zásilka

clearance sale           výprodej

bargain                      výhodná koupě

cash-desk                  pokladna

cashier                       pokladní

wrap up the parcel   zabalit balíček

wrapper                     obal

offer                           nabízet

deliver                       dodat

order                          objednávka

deposit                       záloha

fixed price                pevná cena

prices range from to         ceny se pohybují od do

reduced/cut prices   snížené cena

make out a bill for   vystavit účet pro

pay the bill                platit účet

prices are going up  ceny stoupají

guarantee certificate        záruční list

competition              konkurence

push off                     vytlačit

shopping list             nákupní lístek

developed                 rozvinutý

influence                   ovlivnit

in my case                 v mém případě

compromise              kompromis

exchange                   výměna

purse                          peněženka

advertising                reklama



in cash                       v hotovosti

by cheque                 šekem

by credit card           kreditní kartou

on hire purchase      koupě na splátky

pay interest               platit úroky



antique shop             starožitnictví

bakery                       pekařství

butcher                      řeznictví

clothes shop             konfekce

confectioner’s          cukrárna

diary sells                 mlékárna

drapers                      obchod s látkami

drugstore, chemist’s         drogerie

drycleaner’s             čistírna

electrical appliances        elektro

fishmonger                obchodník s rybami

florist                         květinářství

fruiterer’s                  ovocnářství

gift shop                    suvenýry

greengrocer               zelinářství

grocery                      potraviny

haberdashery            galantérie

ironmonger               železářství

jewellers                    klenotnictví

lingerie                      prodejna spodního prádla

newsagent’s              prodejna novin

shoemaking trade    obuvnictví

stationer’s                 papírnictví

tobacconist’s            trafika

toy shop                    hračkářství

wine-merchant         obchod s vínem

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