Which factors help people to achieve success?


 Otázka: Which factors help people to achieve success?

 Jazyk: Essay – sloh z AJ

 Přidal(a): T. Jelínková



Which factors help people to achieve success?

We all have been trying to achieve success since we were children – in kindergarden, high school and in work, too. Well, have you ever thought about factors of the success? Although we may not be a part of the same age group and our priorities may differ a little bit, the factors are certainly very similar.

The first one, which should be mentioned, is definitely hard work. None of us can achieve success without working on our goals even though you are talented. Somebody has to work more, another one less but the point is the same – you have to keep driven, focused and pushing yourself all the time if you want to become successful. However, you should get some rest as well. It is possible that you will get exhausted and stressed out after a few days so try to find something relaxing and make time only for yourself.

And the second one is luck. You might meet a person who has been successful for very long time and give you some useful advices or i tis likely because of your wonderful creativity and being talented since your birth. You can be lucky in many ways but it is very rare to be.

In conclusion, you might get luck and achieve your success more easily but hard work is one of the main factors, too. If you was not lucky, being hard-working would always help you to achieve whatever you want to.

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