Otázka: Reading books
Jazyk: Angličtina
Přidal(a): Darous
I.Nowadays people don’t read so much as in the past.When we ask them WHY, their usual answer is:I have no time,I´m too busy,I don´t like books,or reading is not necessary for my life.They prefer watching TV,video,Internet,making sport or many other activities.They consider a time spent with book as wasted.Of course,there are also many people,who think that reading is very important part of human life.Some of them read books just for pleasure,or when they want to learn something,others take book as good way to relax.For most people is reading a form of escape from monotony of everyday life.I belong to kind of people,for who is book necessary thing in life.I read everywhere and everytime.For example in the bus,before going to bed,during eating,by watching TV.Reading books is for me something like mobil for present people,I simply can´t exist without it. I can even say that it is my daily routine – everyday after comming from school I sit down and start reading.Till this age I have already read plenty of books.Why?
Book is on of my best friend since I was little.Then my parents used to give me books instead of toys – my usual present to birthday or Christmas was book.My disposition to this hobby comes from my dad.He also reads many books,so this could by answer why I like reading so much.
(In my opinion the compulsory reading is very useful by studying – we can better understand what author wants to say,what he wants to express,what is his message for us,readers.By reading his work we can realize what is his basic aim,what he wants to tell us.We can also understand the time when he lived,the social and economic relatives there and main conflicts of that time)
I prefer more than just one genre of books.I like Sci-Fi,crime fiction,detective stories,suspense novels,stories of adventure and so on.I read almost everything.
I think one of my the most favourite books is The Pillars of the Earh by Ken Follet. He is a Welsh author of thrillers and historical novels and he is very famous in the whole world. He was born on 5 June 1949 in Cardiff, which is the capital city of the Wales. His family moved to London when he was ten years old, and he began applying himself to his studies at Harrow Weald Grammar School and Poole Technical College, and won admission in 1967 toUniversity College London, where he studied philosophy and became involved in centre-left politics. He married his first wife, Mary, in 1968, and their son Emanuele was born in the same year. After graduation in the autumn of 1970, Follett took a three-month post-graduate course in journalism and went to work as a trainee reporter in Cardiff. After three years in Cardiff, he returned to London as a general-assignment reporter for the Evening News. Finding the work unchallenging, he eventually left journalism for publishing and became, by the late 1970s, deputy managing director of the small London publisher and He also began writing fiction during evenings and weekends as a hobby. Later, he said he began writing books when he needed extra money to fix his car. Success came gradually at first, but the publication of Eye of the Needle in 1978 made him both wealthy and internationally famous. Each of Follett’s subsequent novels has also become a best-seller, ranking high on the New York Times Best Seller list.
Now I will tell you something about the book. The Pillars of the Earth is a historical novel published in 1989 about the building of a cathedral in the town of Kingsbridge, England. It is set in the middle of the 12th century, primarily during the Anarchy, between the time of the sinking of the White Ship and the murder of Thomas Becket.The book is very complicated because there is a lots of characters and their small plots set in main plot. I really loved the way how them slot together. The book is really huge, it has about 900 pages but reading was so exciting that I had not stop it since I read it. My favourite character Tom the builder. He was so good-hearted even though the life was very cruel to him. His wife died in childbirth. He have to care about three children and a baby but he have not any money and he can´t seek a work. Fortunaly, an old cathedral burn out and Tom starts to build a new one because he is a carpenter. They live in a priory and met a prior Philip, my another favourite character. Philip is very good prior and he make old poor priory to prosperous and famous priory. He is very good-hearted like Tom but he is also very honest which cause him lots of problems. The book is really awesome and there are really historical facts and it is why i so love this book.